Tandemania - it begins

This orange monstrosity is the latest addition to the Stopadoodledoo stable.
Now Jason doesn't have any excuse for not coming out riding (apart from that he's going to have me up front trying to steer this thing between the trees). He can happily pass out from the booze or the instructions the aliens are radioing in to that tin plate in his head, as long as he keeps on pedalling. Hangovers and inexplicable collapsing in the street are no longer barriers to riding a bike. Nor is not having a working hand, because there won't be any brakes or gears for him to have to worry himself over, so we can zip tie his busted paw to the bars at the start of the ride and leave it be until we get home.
Waiting for some decent brakes, a set of Boxxers from Ratboy's shed, a new rear seat post and a dose of common sense. See you at the next uplift day.
How thoughtful of you to make such a purchase so that those less able (Jason) can still enjoy the delights of cycling.
It's like a regular Sunshine Bus for retirees, the walking wounded and spanged-up drunkards. I am a kind man, aren't I?
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