
Feast your eyes on these great bits of cotton produce. RESPECT THE COCK t-shirts are on their way back from the printer, and coming to you at the bargain price of £12.50 each (+£1 P&P).
T-shirts are high quality Gildan cotton, in either L or XL. Both our models are wearing L, which come up surprisingly baggy.
Colours are: burnt orange (as worn by Cushtie) or dark olive (as shown off by Jason).
Front is printed with our hundred percent genuine "RESPECT THE COCK" logo, along with the Stopadoodledoo chicken and our oh-so-famous URL.
Back gets a larger picture of the Stopadoodledoo chicken, to impress your neighbours or terrify small children at parties with.
Be the envy of your friends, but hurry: stocks are limited and they're selling fast.
1. Give Jason or Cushtie £12.50 of cold hard cash, and they'll hand you back a fresh smelling, unworn t-shirt, in your choice of colour and size. This is easiest if you email Cushtie and find out where we are at the weekend.
2. Use the Paypal link to send us £12.50 per shirt + £1 P&P.
You'll need to tell us your name and address too, so we can post it to you.
SPECIAL BONUS: Every t-shirt you buy comes with a load of free Stopadoodledoo stickers.
You can be the envy of your friends with your bicycle/body/girlfriend adorned with slogans like 'I HATE DOLPHINS' and anything else we've persuaded our printer to do.
M Red: M Green:
T-shirts are here now and waiting for your payment. (Mediums to ship to you from Friday 25th Feb)
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