Intense Slopestyle

It's the shiznay on the biznay, it's mo'fizzle fo you shizzle, it's the new Intense Slopestyle, and we got Phil Mitchell to ride it for an exclusive review. And he said:
Went for a quick ride around the local wood (Kirkhill). Didn’t fall off, which is a good thing. I have to be more careful about pedaling through rocks/roots (it’s lower).
The bike is shorter than the AC and a little heavier. It climbs as well as it, corners a lot better and is generally more fun.
So there you are. Don't spend all the extra pennies on a Giant, when you can get a cheap-as-chips Intense. Mind you, by the sounds of it you'll need to save a bit of cash to upgrade to a 130mm stem and some shorter cranks to stop the pedals clouting on roots.
Next week we FLIP REVERSE IT on a Saracen Tufftrax. Be there!
Phil will be appearing as Widow Twankey in this year's production of 'Aladdin' at the Churchill Theatre, Bromley, between December 23rd and January 15th.
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