New Kona hardtail
Let's face it, the King Kikakakakakakakapu and the Stinky Deluxe are overpriced, overhinged lumps of rubbish. What you really want is a hardtail.
But not just any hardtail, oh no. For that proper urban-free-streetride image, you have to have something that looks like it was stolen by a skaghead, swapped at Cash Converters for fifty quid and then left out in the rain.
And thus, Mr Chin Chin McGee, our occasional contributer, has paid 65 quid for what he claims to be 'the ultimate pub bike/local water park/dog walker and occasional commuter'.
Bet he sells it in two weeks and upgrades to a Blur XC again though.
But not just any hardtail, oh no. For that proper urban-free-streetride image, you have to have something that looks like it was stolen by a skaghead, swapped at Cash Converters for fifty quid and then left out in the rain.

And thus, Mr Chin Chin McGee, our occasional contributer, has paid 65 quid for what he claims to be 'the ultimate pub bike/local water park/dog walker and occasional commuter'.
Bet he sells it in two weeks and upgrades to a Blur XC again though.
Ha, it's not as shi... *ahem* I mean retro as my Kona. I bet he's never knowcked Cushtie off while riding it, either.
Mine's got a disc brake and everything now!
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