Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Stopadoodledoo Awards 2007 - VOTE NOW!

Just in case you don't remember some of the highlights (yawn) of the last year, here's a reminder of a few of the things you can vote for from the previous 12 months:

Best Product
Was it the pair of Manitou Nixons that Cushtie bought for a song, only to find that the song was 'Manitou have made another shite set of forks, la la la la la'?
Or was it the airgun that Jason used to shoot holes in his fence, and FG's trousers?
Or perhaps it was Kent's shed...

Best Holiday Experience
Cushtie getting all angry on Mutzig and trying to start a fight with some Germans in Morzine, before getting locked out of his chalet all night and crying himself to sleep on the steps
A 'happy finish' in the massage tent
Four weeks in Verbier with it raining the whole damn time, and then telling all your mates it's a singletrack mecca when in fact it's two footpaths and a field full of dead pigs

Best Stopadoodledoo Feature
Our guest reviewer Mark 'Chinderella' certainly 'raised' a few 'hackles' didn't he? With his zany approach to talking about bicycles and his 'amusing' advocacy of 'riser' bars, he could be the first man of the 22nd century.
Maybe you liked the minimalist approach we took for most of the year, not bothering to update the site and then having a three page moan about a weekend in Sweden.
Or perhaps it was one of these other articles that we sneaked into another magazine while their editors were in hospital recovering from being wankers riding fixed gears:

  • I slept in a bivvy bag in my back garden; aren't I brave?, an epic adventure of danger, bravery, fear and survival, written by Dave
  • I ride in Yorkshire and therefore am superior to you in every way, It's the truth; the wide open, windswept moors of Yorkshire are far superior to wherever you live or ride, and Bent is a better person than you because of it, written by Bent
  • My seatpost is alive Matt feels that his seatpost has a life of it's own much more interesting than his own, written by Matt
  • I don't know why I class myself as a mountain biker when I clearly prefer road bikes. I sometimes put mountain bike handlebars on the road bikes to convince my friends that I am in a transition period but the truth is that I really don't enjoy riding off road that much and prefer the speed of tarmac to the slog of the muddy trails. Of course, if I were to fully admit that, then I would no longer be able to pamper my ego by writing a half-arsed column for Singletrack Magazine although to be honest, I don't think anyone would notice as I imagine that most people leave my column until they have read every other part of the magazine, including the adverts. Ho hum., an old fashioned tale of a man torn between admitting the truth and losing his credibility with people from an internet forum that he has never met [hang on, that was all the articles we didn't sneak in. How does this work again?]

Best Bike Shop
Which is it going to be, Deen's Garage in Beckenham, where they employ people who look like murderers but actually turn out to be helpful when you want something for your bike, or a bunch of stuck up lumpheads somewhere up the road who are so proud that they import some shitty bunch of bikes from Colorado or somesuch that they will hardly even deign to sell you a headset for less than 200 dollars? Not that they'd ever heard about tightening up spokes on a wheel, you know....

Mountain Bike Personality Of The Year
Colin Newbury (wearing a dress)
That funny looking kid
Colin Newbury

Stick your comments in the bit beneath this, and we'll see who's got most in a while and stuff. Yeah.


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