Monday, November 16, 2009


Just like Hong Kong, Taiwan has lots of steps to ride down.
Conveniently, most of the steps in Taiwan are muddy wooden ones, with some kind of strange texture to them such that once you hit a certain speed, you can't spot the edge of each step and just get a continual stuttering from your forks while your bicycle happily accelerates underneath you.
Fortunately, most steps in Taiwan are next to large temples where people can go to light incense in your memory, because most steps also come conveniently installed with a right angle turn half way down, perfectly placed for you to sail past and vanish into the treeline.
Or you can pull the brakes (which are the wrong way round for half the world) and go over the bars instead.
Happy days...


Blogger The Other Kent said...

Perhaps you should consider never riding a bicycle again. When one has not engaged in an intense and strenuous activity for a very long time, and suddenly resumes it without proper planning and preparation, henous injuries can result. For instance, if you decidecd to start having sex with women again, you should make careful preparations to avoid hurting yourself..........

12:34 pm  

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